Sana's adhoc program reminders are a great tool designed to keep learners engaged and on track. This feature allows program admins to send custom reminders to learners enrolled in programs.
What is the value of Adhoc Program Reminder?
Adhoc program reminders can significantly enhance your Sana experience by:
Increasing learner engagement and completion rates: Regular reminders can keep learners engaged and motivate them to complete their programs
Saving time: Instead of manually reminding each learner, administrators can send reminders to all enrolled learners in progress with just a few clicks
How to Send Program Reminders
Go to Manage > Programs
Select the program for which you want to set a reminder
Click on the People tab
Use the multi-select tool to select the learners
Click the Send reminder button
Press Send reminder and that's it!
💡 Once you hit send, email notifications are sent to all users in the list
The email contents
See below examples of what is contained in the email reminder:
Program name: eg. Becoming a Leader at Fable
Due date: eg. Due 2024-02-07
How many steps in the program remain: eg. 7 steps remaining
Button directing learners to the program overview: 'Wrap up your learning'
Why can't I send an email reminder to a learner or why were they removed from the list
You can’t select learners at 100% completion or recently contacted learners*.
*Contacted within 24 hours by Sana
Can I customize the content of the reminder?
No, the reminder uses the program banner image and pre-determined text
How often can I send reminders?
You can send reminders as often as you deem necessary every 24 hours. However, it is recommended to not overwhelm learners with too many reminders.