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The video block
Bianca Wetter avatar
Written by Bianca Wetter
Updated over a week ago

Video blocks in Sana

Videos are an excellent tool for making things interesting and keeping people engaged. Now you can add a video block to your course with just a few keystrokes.

Here’s how it works:

  • Add video - To add a video, simply type /video in the editor. You can drag & drop a video into the block or upload a file from your computer

  • Edit and adjust - Edit the width of the video block by hovering over the block. Select the appropriate width in the pop-up menu.

  • Embed - You can embed videos from 3rd party services such as Youtube, Vimeo, or OneDrive if you have requirements on hosting or specific functionality. To do this, type /embed and paste the direct link to the video. No embedding code is required. Read more HERE.

  • Formats - Mp4 is the only supported format playable on all modern browsers without conversion. The file size limit is 8GB. Please let your customer success manager know if you need to increase the limit. All videos are hosted by Sana.
    Tip: Mov-files are very similar to mp4, and can usually be changed to an mp4 by simply changing the filename from "" to my_video.mp4". For other file formats you will have to convert to mp4 using a third party tool, like HandBreak.

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