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Bianca Wetter avatar
Written by Bianca Wetter
Updated over a week ago

With Narration in Sana, you have the flexibility to either record yourself or upload an existing video. This powerful feature allows you to create captivating video recordings where you can speak over a card, adding a personal touch and enhancing user engagement. Whether you choose to record your own narration or upload a pre-existing video, this versatile tool empowers you to deliver a seamless and immersive learning experience.

What is the value of Narration?

Narrations can make your learners experience more engaging and personalized:

  • Contextualization: you can use narrations to provide additional context or explanation that might not be captured in the text of the course.

  • Personal Touch: Narrations can make the course feel more personal and human, as they allow the author to directly address the learners

  • Engagement: Narrations can make the course more engaging, as they provide a different mode of content delivery that can be more captivating than text alone.

Use case examples for Narration

  1. Course Introduction: Use a narration to introduce a course, explaining what the course will cover and what learners can expect to gain from it

  2. Complex Concepts: Use a narration to explain complex concepts or procedures in a simpler and more direct way

  3. Personal Insights: Use a narration to share personal insights or experiences related to the course content.

How to create Narration

  1. Go to the course editor and select the card where you want to add a narration

  2. Click on Add narration in the top of the card

  3. Two options in the bottom of the editor appears, click the record button to start recording, or click the upload button to upload an existing video

  4. (Sana may ask you to allow access to your camera and microphone, you must allow these permissions if you are recording the narration in Sana)

  5. Recording: Click the stop button in the video tile to end the recording and you're done!
    ​Uploading: Choose the video-file you wish to upload and you're done!

πŸ’‘ Narrations are only supported in self-paced courses and each card can have only one video narration either recorded in the browser or uploaded from file.

How to remove a narration

Simply go to the card in the editor and click Remove narration in the top tool bar:


What are the supported formats for uploading the narration?

The file must be in MP4 format. If you have a video in another format, you can usually convert your video to the desired format online.

Can the narration autoplay when a learner opens the card?

No, narrations do not autoplay. Learners must manually start the narration by clicking play. This design choice prioritizes the learner's control and readiness, ensuring they engage with the narration only when fully prepared, thereby enhancing the user experience.

Can I have both narrations recorded in the platform and uploaded from file in the same course?

Yes, you can choose for each card. Only restriction is one narration per card - see below.

Can I record more than one narration for a card?

No, only one narration can be recorded/uploaded per card. However, you can always replace the existing narration by recording a new one.

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